Lion Rock) in the area of Sigiriya - Sri Lanka)
Located «Lion Rock» in the region of Sigiriya, Sri Lanka, and is one of the important sights out, where embody the highest degree of fear, after the king's sons «Kasaba» castle them, after that turned on his father and seized power, and he stayed and fortified well, for fear of his brother which seeks to restore the rule.
The rock is a mass of volcanic rock is very old and has a height of 337 meters above sea level, and of which you can see the entire surrounding area, has been shrouded «Kasaba» lake full of crocodiles to protect himself.
The castle is located in the province of Mattel, which is located in the middle of Sri Lanka, near the city of Dembwla, which is one of the cities of the Cultural Triangle in Sri Lanka.
The discovery of the region in the period of the British occupation of the country in 1890 by British archaeologist «HC Bill» and called the project, which was adopted for exploration in that region project the Cultural Triangle.
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