الخميس، 16 أكتوبر 2014

Bruges, a city and municipality located in Belgium, is the largest city in the province of West Flanders in the Flemish region and is located north-west of Belgium with a population of about 117 073, according to statistics, 2008 and is one of the important tourist destinations because they contain many of the historic streets and houses classical addition to attractions wonderful Beauty like castles, gardens, museums, churches, and last but not least the shops and markets diverse 

The climate of the city 
The climate of the city of Bruges, like most European countries, almost cold and wet most of the year and in the summer months are warmer moderate slash cooler and average annual rainfall is 203 mm per month so the most suitable times of the visit will be in the summer and spring 

Activities undertaken by tourists 
Tourists can wander on foot to see the sights in the city or shopping from shops and markets, as they can do tours by boat in the city of Bruges because of the possession of many of the canals and Tllk boats will take you to see the wonderful places can not be accessed by walking and you will wander throughout most of the city in an easy way and enjoyable 

The most beautiful tourist destinations in Bruges 
Market Square  
Located arena in the heart of the city of Bruges and is one of the tourist destinations of important and includes many of the major tourist attractions such as the bell tower, which was built in the twelfth century hall cloth and the regional court in the middle you will find a statue of Jan Breydel and Pieter de Connick and tourists can wander the walk or Bastijarahrb horses 
The arena is the center of business life where they are filled with shops and restaurants that offer cuisine Oahhy as an ideal place and it is suitable for the construction of numerous social events and national celebrations Kalmhrjanat 

 Belfry Of Bruges 
It is a tower medieval and is located in the historic center of Bruges is one the most prominent landmarks of the city and visit the most a length of about 83 meters has been in the past point to monitor and detect incidents and hazards that occur in the city of Bruges 
Visitor can access to rise above 366 drawer and there will see the most beautiful panoramic views of the picturesque, where he will see almost the entire city of Bruges and despite the fact that access to the tower a bit expensive (about 8 euros per person) but it is worth the visit 

Boudewijin Seapark 
It is a marine park fantastic and is considered one of the most popular destinations ideal for tourists, especially for children or families where they will enjoy all bids dolphins charming and unique as the park boasts approximately 25 area attraction such as ball pool and cars Dodjiym castles and volcano giant tower Bobo is also playing music in the park during presentations or play sent to delight in the pleasure Nqos visitors 

 Loppem Castle 
One of castles, charming and located near Bruges, not inside, but all visitors to Bruges destination to see it was built the castle between 1859 - 1862 AD by the architects Pugin Jean and Baptiste de Bethune is the castle one of the masterpieces Gothic architecture and the castle only in Belgium, which has retained Bhendsthe original architectural and decorated Interior, which date back to the nineteenth century and the castle decorated inside with paintings and works of art and fine stained glass and statues as castle is surrounded from the outside garden and pools singing charming and beautiful green spaces 

 Choco Story Museum 
It is very interesting museum consists of several floors reflects the history of the chocolate industry and shows the ways the transition from cocoa to chocolate delicious logged At the beginning of the museum you'll find large screens contain information about the history of the building and on the evolution of chocolate 
When your ascension to the story you'll see why chocolate was important when the Mayan and Aztec chocolate and Kiffa evolution through the ages, and you'll learn on Belgian chocolate and specifically its relationship with the royal family, as you'll see some of the old machines for the manufacture of 
chocolate and wonderful exhibits

The beautiful city of Bruges

الأربعاء، 15 أكتوبر 2014

- Square Piazza Ferrari Ferrari wonderful surrounding a circular water fountain which is the masterpiece of architecture, including the Opera House this arena. 

- Cathedrals and churches of many important ones; «Cathedral City - St. Lawrence Cathedral of San Lorenzo», «and San Donato San Donato». 

Cathedral of San Lorenzo

- Home of Christopher Columbus, Cristoforo Colombo, as it is of many citizens of the city who polished discoveries in the world of art and space and seas and others. 

- Palace «Palazzi dei Rolli» who included it in 2006 to the UNESCO World Heritage List, and the palace back to one of the task of the ruling families in the sixteenth century.

- Cemetery «Manyumantal de Stagleono Cimitero monumentale di Staglieno» which are spread over an area of square kilometers, and includes a selection of marble statues classic Italian, one of the largest cemeteries in Europe, the most important of technically inspired by the architect who designed by Carlo Banabeno building the Pantheon or the Temple of the gods known in its design cemetery. The cemetery includes the tombs of many of the characters and the aristocracy task; including wife Irish writer Oscar Wilde and Constance Lloyd and victims of the British Army during World Wars I and II, has had a famous American writer Mark Twain. 

- Parks, public and private, which is a rare opportunity for tourists; including what is special due to the villas and palaces of private, some of which is in the city and in the middle, mostly Gardens important historical and perhaps the most important «Villa Pallavicini Villa Pallavicini» based on English-style romantic as it is the garden this villa surrounding a water pools of the most beautiful gardens of Italy, which date back to the nineteenth century. 

The most important tourist attractions Genoa

Library of Celsus is an ancient Roman building in Ephesus, Anatolia, now part of Selcuk Selçuk.

Tiberius Julius Celsus was Tiberius Julius Celsus Greek Roman citizen he served as a member of the Roman Senate Roman consul in 92 AD and the governor of Asia between 105-107 AD.

Been building a library of Celsus in his honor (completed construction of the library in the year 135 AD) by his son, which is named Gaius Julius Aquila Gaius Julius Aquila to store more than 12,000 valuable manuscripts and to serve as a tomb of a great father as containing the library basement leading to his coffin. 

It is worth mentioning that it was against the construction of the library on the east side which provided enough light for reading rooms! 

Library underwent a restoration operations by the institution of the Austrian Atharkhalal the seventies of the last century to be a prominent tourist site in Ephesus, one of the greatest ancient Greek cities in Anatolia.

Celsus Library in Ephesus

Valley is a large can be reached by boat taxi from Fethiye Fethiye and Oludeniz specifically of
Oludeniz, this boat trip takes about 45 minutes and cost about 15 TL.

It was called the Valley of the Butterflies and the ancient name Gudurumsu but then was named Valley of the Butterflies because many swarms of butterflies live near waterfalls.
The Valley of the Butterflies and one of the best places to spend the weekend in Turkey, he embraces the enchanting sea beach stretches in front of a decent and clean.

Tourists usually spend in the Valley of the Butterflies one day (from morning till evening) as the accommodation here is basic wooden huts where electricity is not available.

So you can rent a tent for the night or you can sleep outside directly on the beach!
This will be a unique experience and although it favored by many international tourists coming from as far away as Singapore, Australia and the United States.

There is one restaurant in the area so Valojbat expensive, if you are the owners of low-budget, you can buy some canned food and snacks from the market Oludeniz and brought with you to the Valley of the Butterflies.

There are not many things you can do here except rest and relax and enjoy the wonderful scenery around you.
You can make new friends from all over the world, and if you decide to enjoy B singing workshops held by the tourists directly in front of the beach.

Butterfly Valley (Turkish Kelebekler Vadisi)

الجمعة، 22 أغسطس 2014

The Louvre Museum in Paris, one of the major art museums in the world, and is located on the north bank of the River Seine, and being known as the largest showroom for the arts globally. The museum building itself was originally an ancient castle built by King Philip. 

Louvre Museum contains more than one million pieces of art from paintings and sculptures, and others. The museum also boasts an impressive array of effects Greek, Romanian, and Egyptian and ancient civilization of Mesopotamia and of which there are more than 5664 artifacts, as well as paintings and statues dating back to the eighteenth century AD. 

The Louvre Museum has organized several tours inside the corridors to allow visitors the opportunity to learn the history of the artifacts displayed by, and perhaps the most important and most famous of these exhibits to the Mona Lisa, known for Leonardo da Vinci, has been mentioned in several novels and stories, the most important novel The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown.


Eiffel Tower is one of the most important landmarks of Paris, if not the most important, where the tower was built in 1889m by engineer Gustave Eiffel. Height of up to 324 meters will be the tallest buildings the French capital Paris, in addition to being one of the more places to visit in the world. 

Eiffel Tower has three sections dedicated to visitors and tourists, as the first and second parts to them can be accessed by stairs Part III can be reached by elevator only. As Eetmez Eiffel Tower by providing visitors with a most magnificent scenery at all, as is strongly recommended to watch the sun Grove of the second section devoted to visitors in the tower, where there is a clear vision there is a possibility of miles distant, which will ensure access to great pictures with the camera. 

Is available to buy tickets visit either in the tower itself or via the Internet, so that option via the Internet allows to book and buy tickets for a specific date and time.

Eiffel Tower

Malaysia, one of the most beautiful countries in the world it contains the richest natural areas and has the largest forests and natural reserves in the world, in addition to the timeliness and relatively interest in the tourism sector tributary important national product, containing Malaysia of ecological diversity and ethnic customs, traditions and heritage of many, many, making it called Asia true, and perhaps what most distinguishes Malaysia is a beautiful scenery.

Kuala Lumpur, the most famous cities of Malaysia which is also called the city of gardens, and the distinction of being one of the most cities Malaysian sophisticated and beautiful Wiczdan gardens, rivers and mountains, as well as to be attached to many of the historic buildings and cultural, and skyscrapers, and a popular tourist attraction by the twin towers of the oil company of Malaysia, Petronas, and are located in the central business district of the city , the two highest towers in the world with a height of each tower 452 m distributed among 88 floor, and connecting the two towers suspension bridge between floors 41-42, the construction of this building wonderful architect, "Sezer Billy," this area includes a number of gardens, fountains, shopping centers and restaurants and the role of film and theater for performances and cultural. There is also "the Kuala Lumpur Tower," which is one of the highest towers in the world with an elevation of 421 m, and includes top restaurant moving and shops selling souvenirs, also includes a theater offering them technical presentations on the ground floor 
In addition to many of the monuments and other attractions that comprise Kuala Lumpur such as the Bird Park, which is one of the largest parks in Southeast Asia, where includes most species of birds in the world, and other park is a wonderful garden "Lake Kuala Lumpur", which includes an artificial lake and beautifully landscaped and various types of plants and flowers, and also includes Kuala Lumpur's National Museum, and many of the markets and the Chinese city, in addition to the factory, which is the royal souvenir industry of pure silver, and the Palace of Golden Horses, and many other attractions and destinations in this vibrant city. 
Comes the City of Malaga after the city of Kuala Lumpur in terms of the importance of tourism, a city of ancient history dating back to the fifteenth century AD and is one of the most historic cities in Malaysia, since they combine a large number of civilizations, there are with many historical monuments and archaeological sites, which attracts many tourists in addition to the beaches sand which is wonderful and is one of the most famous beach "Tanjung Pedara" which crammed with visitors, in addition to the Museum of cultural, and sound and light shows in the field of "Padang Pahlawan, and Fort Qamoza, and the castle Dutch, and a number of ancient mosques such as the Masjid Hulu Mosque Trutkwerh, and many other archaeological sites wonderful 
There are also many beautiful cities other, which includes modern landmarks beside the monuments of ancient cities, we find the city of Georgetown, which is an attraction for many tourists, and the city of Shah world capital of the state of Selangor which is famous mosque of Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah blue dome, the largest dome in the world, and includes many of the city's parks and lakes. 
There are also area Jnting away from the capital, Kuala Lumpur, about a half hour drive, this remarkable region that enjoys tourists its visits due to high extreme for the Earth's surface by about 6 thousand feet, finds the tourist himself walking amid the clouds, and possible to take a cable car up to area hotels and nightclubs

Tourism in Malaysia